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Real Estate Law 87

admin 2019.05.15 21:36 Views : 264

Check Your Understanding Answers

  1. What was the significance of the Plessy v. Ferguson Supreme Court decision of 1896?

    This Supreme Court decision allowed the use of "separate but equal" racially-segregated accommodations and facilities. In other words, as long as separate housing for blacks and whites were judged to be equal, they were legal.
  2. Why is it important for licensees to understand the Americans with Disabilities Act?

    Brokers need to evaluate whether they need to make physical changes to their office space to comply with the law.

    Licensees should inform their commercial and investor clients of the need to have their leases professionally evaluated and their offices inspected for compliance.
  3. Salesperson Sally tells her senior citizen buyers that the home they want to view is located in a neighborhood with several small children and loud teenagers. She tells them they would not be comfortable in this home and she shows them a list of homes in other neighborhoods she thinks would be more appropriate. What would you say about Sally’s behavior? 

    Sally is guilty of steering which is prohibited by Fair Housing laws.
  4. List three examples of discrimination that still occur in the real estate industry today. (Additional correct answers on page 14.)
    • Landlords and sellers requesting only specific types of persons be shown their homes and apartments
    • Sellers showing concern over what their neighbors would say or do if a minority person or family were to move in
    • Buyers and renters making derogatory statements about parts of the community
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