Water Information and Air Rights
Here are several definitions regarding property ownership and the effect of water on that ownership:
- Accretion: Is the increase of land created by deposits of soil by the natural action of the water.
- Erosion: Is the decrease of land by the gradual wearing away that is caused by flowing water.
- Avulsion: Is the "sudden" loss of land by an act of nature (e.g., the ocean washes away the water front during a typhoon).
- Reliction: Increase in land due to the receding of water from the shore.
- Alluvial plain or alluvion: Alluvial plain is a delta area where soil deposits from river; alluvion is the accumulation of soil, rock, and other matter from the movement of water.
Air Rights:
- Air rights may be sold
- Horizontal Property Act - Describes condo air space ownership.